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System Name:
Landing Site: Tortola, British Virgin Islands
Region: NONE
Repeatered or Repeaterless?: Both

The result of your search is:

NameRegionDateRoute Length (km)Suppliers
CARAC Caribbean 1990 1694 STC
ECFS (Eastern Caribbean Fibre System) (Tortola - Anguilla - St. Martin) Caribbean 1995 195 Alcatel STC, Alcatel Submarcom
Taino Carib (St. Thomas - Tortola) Caribbean 1992 36 AT&T, Simplex

If you find an error in our database, please contact us with your suggested update. We have resolved to keep our database as error-free as possible. We know the frustration of using a spreadsheet only to find that some systems we never built or were included twice in the sheet.


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