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System Name:
Landing Site: Cyprus
Region: NONE
Repeatered or Repeaterless?: Both
The result of your search is:
Name | Region | Date | Route Length (km) | Suppliers |
APHRODITE-2 (Greece - Cyprus) | Mediterranean | 1994 | 841 | Alcatel |
Cadmos (Pentashkinos - Jdeidh) | Mediterranean | 1995 | 120 | AT&T, Simplex |
Cadmos (Pentashkinos - Ras-Beirut) | Mediterranean | 1995 | 120 | AT&T, Simplex |
CIOS | Mediterranean | 1993 | 261 | AT&T, Simplex |
HAWK | Mediterranean | 2011 | 3600 | Fujitsu, NSW |
KINYRAS | Mediterranean | 1994 | 150 | Alcatel |
LEV-1 | Mediterranean | 1999 | 2600 | TSSL |
Minerva | Mediterranean | ? |   |   |
Poseidon | Mediterranean | 2014 | 800 | TE Subcom |
SEA-ME-WE-2 (Segment 6) | Inter-regional | 1994 | 600 | Alcatel Submarcom, AT&T, STC, Simplex |
SEA-ME-WE-3 (Segment S8) | Inter-regional | 1999 | 5614 | Alcatel |
Tamares | Mediterranean | 2011 | 380 | IT International, Nexans, Xtera |
TE North | Mediterranean | 2010 | 3100 | Alcatel-Lucent |
TEFKROS | Mediterranean | 1994 | 82 | AT&T |
TURCYOS-1 | Mediterranean | 1993 | 110 | Pirelli, Alcatel, AT&T |
TURCYOS-2 | Mediterranean | 2011 | 213 |   |
Ugarit | Mediterranean | 1994 | 240 | Pirelli |
If you find an error in our database, please contact us with your suggested update. We have resolved to keep our database as error-free as possible. We know the frustration of using a spreadsheet only to find that some systems we never built or were included twice in the sheet.
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