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System Name:
Landing Site: Singapore
Region: NONE
Repeatered or Repeaterless?: Both
The result of your search is:
Name | Region | Date | Route Length (km) | Suppliers |
AAE-1 Middle (Middle) | Inter-regional | 2016 | 19400 | TE Subcom |
APC (Asia Pacific Cable) | Asia | 1993 | 7440 | Fujitsu, NEC, AT&T, Simplex, KDD, OCC |
APCN (Section 1 & 2) | Asia | 1996 | 9000 | AT&T, KDD, STC, Alcatel Submarcom |
APCN (Section 3) | Asia | 1996 | 3000 | AT&T, KDD |
APCN 2 | Asia | 2001 | 19153 | NEC, Pirelli |
ASEAN (Singapore - Brunei) | Asia | 1991 | 1580 | NEC, KDD, OCC, Fujitsu |
ASEAN (Singapore - Indonesia) | Asia | 1993 | 1000 |   |
Asia-Africa-Europe-1 (AAE-1) (West) | Inter-Regional | 2017 | 22200 | TE Subcom |
Asia Pacific Gateway (APG) (Trunk) | Asia | 2016 | 5800 | NEC |
Asia Pacific Gateway (APG) (Summary) | Asia | 2016 | 10400 | NEC |
Asia Submarine Express (ASE) | Asia | 2012 | 7500 | NEC, Subcom |
Asia-Amerca Gateway (AAG) | Trans-Pacific | 2009 | 20000 | Alcatel |
Australia Singapore Cable (ASC) | Oceania | 2018 | 4600 | ASN |
B3JS (Jakarta-Bangka-Bintan-Batam-Singapore) (Batam-Singapore) | Asia | 2012 | 30 | Triasmitra |
B3JS (Jakarta-Bangka-Bintan-Batam-Singapore) (Summary) | Asia | 2012 | 750 | Triasmitra |
Brunei-Singapore (BS) | Asia | 1991 | 1572 | NEC, Fujitsu |
C2C (Summary) | Asia | 2001 | 17000 | TyCom |
East Asia Crossing 2 (EAC 2) (2A1, 2A2, 2A2) | Asia | 2002 | 2940 | NEC |
East Asia Crossing 2 (EAC 2) (2B1) | Asia | 2002 | 1800 | NEC |
East Asia Crossing 2 (EAC 2) (2B2) | Asia | 2002 | 2673 | NEC |
i2i | Asia | 2002 | 3200 | Alcatel |
Indonesia Global Gateway (IGG) | Asia | 2018 | 5300 | NEC |
JAKABARE (Java - Kalimantan - Batam - Singapura) | Asia | 2009 | 1400 | NEC |
MIC-1 (Moratelindo International Cable) | Asia | 2008 | 70 |   |
Pandan - Pulau Bukom | Asia | 1991 | 12 | Siemens |
PGASCom | Asia | 2010 | 30 |   |
SEA-ME-WE-2 (Segment 1) | Inter-regional | 1994 | 1040 | Alcatel Submarcom, AT&T, STC, Simplex |
SEA-ME-WE-3 (Segment S2) | Inter-regional | 1999 | 6285 | Alcatel |
SEA-ME-WE-3 (Segment S3) | Inter-regional | 1999 | 4788 | Fujitsu |
SEA-ME-WE-3 (Segment S4) | Inter-regional | 1999 | 7115 | KDD-SCS |
SEA-ME-WE-4 (Segment 1) | Inter-regional | 2005 | 8400 | Alcatel, Fujitsu |
SEA-ME-WE-5 (Segment 1B) | Inter-regional | 2016 | 5690 | NEC |
SEAX-1 | Asia | 2018 | 250 | Huawei |
Southeast Asia Japan Cable (SJC) | Asia | 2013 | 8900 | TE Subcom, NEC |
Tata Indicom India-Singapore Cable System (TIISCS) | Asia | 2004 | 3175 | Tyco Telecommunications |
TGN Interasia (TGN-IA) | Asia | 2009 | 6700 | TE Subcom |
TIS (Segment A) | Asia | 2003 | 1100 | NEC |
TIS (Segment B) | Asia | 2003 | 1100 | NEC |
If you find an error in our database, please contact us with your suggested update. We have resolved to keep our database as error-free as possible. We know the frustration of using a spreadsheet only to find that some systems we never built or were included twice in the sheet.
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